_jems_ Jan 16, 2006 01:06
icons: veronica mars, icons: gilmore girls, icons: farscape, icons: buffy, icons: office, icons: arrested development, icons: clueless, icons: doctor who, icons: titanic, icons: wonderfalls, icons: battlestar galactica
_jems_ Nov 02, 2005 18:01
icons: veronica mars, icons: buffy, icons: arrested development, icons: eternal sunshine of the spotless, icons: wonderfalls, icons: amelie, icons: cutting edge, icons: pirates of the caribbean
_jems_ Aug 31, 2005 00:42
icons: arrested development, icons: veronica mars, icons: that 70s show, icons: buffy
_jems_ Aug 16, 2005 23:17
icons: firefly, icons: veronica mars, icons: gilmore girls, icons: farscape, icons: alias, icons: abfab, icons: buffy, icons: dead like me, icons: arrested development, icons: doctor who, icons: battlestar galactica, icons: sports night, icons: grosse pointe blank
_jems_ Jul 06, 2005 03:14
icons: veronica mars, icons: pride & prejudice, icons: elizabeth, icons: dirty dancing, icons: 10 things i hate about you, icons: buffy, icons: princess bride, icons: arrested development, icons: dawson's creek, icons: doctor who, icons: wonderfalls
_jems_ May 30, 2005 00:16
icons: firefly, icons: arrested development, icons: veronica mars, icons: west wing
_jems_ Feb 25, 2005 00:53
icons: arrested development, icons: veronica mars, icons: battlestar galactica, icons: buffy